Prashant Joins the NYC iMentor Challenge to Support Educational Equity

The 2021 iMentor Challenge is in its final hours, but it’s not too late to pitch in and support the next generation of leaders. With your help, we can have an outsized impact on our students' ability to remain on track to achieve their aspirations.

In a year that has seen inequities laid bare by COVID-19, remote schooling, and ongoing racial injustice, our mentors are continuing to provide important support to students and to rally their networks to support iMentor.

Donating to the iMentor Challenge means helping iMentor to: redesign our curriculum for remote learning; meet urgent student needs; sustain 1,000 new mentoring relationships; and advancing racial and educational equity.

We recently spoke with mentor Prashant Kaishap, who is fundraising as part of the Barclays team for the 2021 NYC iMentor Challenge, about his experience as a mentor. Check out Prashant’s iMentor Challenge fundraiser!

What have you learned about what it takes to be a good mentor?
It’s important to be consistent in your communications and supportive of your mentee’s goals.

Why is educational equity important to you?
It is critical that we make the education experience less unequal to build a better meritocracy, something that attracted me to this country many years ago.